Toned In Ten Review – What You Need To Know..

Looking for an HONEST Toned In Ten review by someone who is currently following the program? Read my review and see my results so far….

Hi there and thanks for reading my Toned In Ten review. My name is Cassandra and I first bought Toned In Ten about 7 weeks ago in hope to get back into shape and lose some unwanted weight that I had struggled to lose on my own.

Being a mom of 2 girls and a carer for my father who has alzheimer’s, life is pretty hectic and I found myself putting on the pounds at a rapid pace. Unhealthy meal choices, lack of exercise and battling with my own personal problems of depression had a lot to do with it but I’d had enough of the way I was living and needed a change ASAP!

I tried doing it on my own but I’d always felt like I was doing something wrong and looking back, my plan of attack was probably doing me more harm than good. My diet and workout plan was actually pretty terrible(something I had just thrown together on my own) and to be honest I set myself up for failure.

I gave up on my own little self made diet and workout plan and decided to look for something more solid. I needed a good workout and nutrition plan to follow, so I did what most people do these days and turned to good old Google for some help. I searched through a bunch of websites but everything was so expensive or seemed to hyped up. It was actually something I found on Facebook that a friend of mine shared that caught my eye called Toned In Ten by Erin Nielsen.

What’s Inside Toned In Ten? Toned In Ten Review Continued…

Toned In Ten review

Compared to other workout and nutrition plans, Toned In Ten was very cheap, so I looked up some reviews and after seeing other peoples positive feedback and opinions I went ahead and bought it. I wasn’t really expecting much for $19 BUT to my surprise it was actually full of a lot of good content.

Note: Be sure to buy it from the official Toned In Ten website here @

The videos are very easy to follow along with and all the pdf guides are full of really good info. You can tell that Erin Nielsen knows her stuff! I really like the nutrition guide and the shopping list is a so useful, it’s helped me make much healthier shopping choices for both me and my kids. The food is actually really good, which shocked me and everything is super easy to make.

The workouts are 10 minutes per day which I can easily fit in, even knowing how busy my lifestyle can be. Something else I really like is the Youthful Secrets guide you get, I’ve been following along with it and I have noticed a big difference in my skin which is looking and feeling better than it every has before.

See the Toned In Ten website to see everything that is included.

Who Is Toned In Ten For?

I think it’s for everyone of all ages to be honest. It’s not like some programs where you need heavy weights or expensive gym equipment. It’s very easy on the joints so if you’ve had an injury or you’re a little frail to do weights or heavy resistance training, then Toned In Ten is definitely something to try.

If you’re time deprived like myself, then this is perfect for you! 10 minutes per day 5 days per week(a total of 50 minutes per week) – I’m pretty sure everyone can fit this in.

tickIf you’ve tried other fitness programs or diets and they didn’t work, it could be something worth trying because it is different from regular programs out there and the workouts are actually fun. There is a lot of really good info in the guides which has helped me understand my body and the nutrition guide is a must read.

Sick of winging it or trying to do everything on your own? This is a good solid plan! I tried doing it all on my own but I’m the type of person who needs guidance with stuff like this because I was literally all over the place. If you’re like me then a good plan of attack is needed and you get that with Toned In Ten.

Toned In Ten Review – What You Need To Know..

What You Need To Know About Toned In TenIf you’re looking for a quick fix or miracle results over night, then Toned in Ten is probably not for you. Everyone is different and like all workout programs or diets different people will see different results. The truth is, you may not see results in the first or second week!

However, if you do follow it like I did and stay committed I am pretty sure you will see amazing results. I’ve been following Erin’s program for 7 weeks now and have lost 30lbs which for me is just amazing because I never thought I could do it. I seen results in the first 2 weeks which I think is why I have stuck with it. But you may or may not see those results and I think that depends on how committed you are to the program.

Going from other peoples feedback, most people did see results in the first 2 weeks as well but others didn’t see results until week 3 or 4.

If you’re looking for a workout program that requires little to no work, Toned In Ten is probably not for you! It does require hard work! Those 10 minute workouts do make you sweat and the nutrition plan is a lifestyle change. If you’re not willing to make changes then I doubt you will see amazing results.

I will say that the workouts are fun to do and not boring like most programs out there which is another reason why I think they are so successful.

If you’re after actual DVD’s or a physical product then Toned In Ten is not for you. This is a digital product, meaning everything can be downloaded after purchase. Once you purchase you are given details on how to download the program. You can put them onto a disc or usb which is what I did. I also printed the pdf guides out so they are handy at all times.

Is Toned In Ten Worth Your Money?

money$19 in my opinion is money well spent! It’s a LOT cheaper than some of the programs on the market that I came across. Some where way over priced and that was without videos. One program called Tone It Up which is very similar cost over $200! You do actually get a lot for your $19 and I am so happy with my results so far. I never imagined losing 30lbs in just over a month!

One thing I would like to see though is an App and I do think they are working on one.

My Results So Far – 7 Weeks

Hard work does pay off and I must say I am very proud of myself for staying committed for once because I never follow through with things like this. My kids are also proud and my friends are shocked at how fast I’m losing the weight. I can’t wait to see what another 7 weeks brings…


I now feel stronger, fitter and healthier than I ever have! I’m more motivated and have so much more energy. I used to avoid going out and doing things because I was always so exhausted from looking after everyone, but now I have the energy to burn I can keep up with the kids which means a lot to me and them.

Have a look at other before and after pics on the Toned In Ten website for more inspiration.


I hope you enjoyed my Toned In Ten review. If you have any questions please feel free to leave a comment below. I am more than happy to answer any questions you may have. I will do my best to keep you all updated on my progress.

Erin Nielsen, if you ever read this….THANK YOU SO MUCH. I am so blessed that I found your program.


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